How New Students Can Plan for Success

beauty school hair tuturial To achieve success at Aveda, you must have a plan. Here’s what your plan should include.

It should have you
1) design a study schedule and stick to it
2) began reading your literature before being assigned to
3) perform cosmetology research outside of Aveda’s information (ex: magazines and YouTube, so you have holistic knowledge)
4) ask older students for preparation advice
5) never forget why you chose to attend Aveda because challenges are sure to come in things worth achieving, and that reminder will be a wellness to propel you forward.
Planning to do your best is the best plan to have when beginning a student career at Aveda.
Blog post by Aveda Institute Tallahassee student: Charyl Montgomery
stpeteDancing There are many ways to set yourself up for success when beginning beauty school. First off, come to school by showing that your are responsible and reliable. Never give up during your time at school. There will be times when you feel like your crazy and maybe thinking you made a bad choice. Just remember that you enrolled in school (Aveda) for a reason and that was to learn how to become a stylish. That means your in school (Aveda) for a purpose, meaning that if you give up during your school, you give up on yourself.

Aveda is the best school to choose when applying for future beauty because they care. They know how hard it is to stay focused on dreams during that time. With the staff at Aveda, you will go far in life if you allow them to guide you and listen to all they have to say. Remember, they know, so your never long and never to far from your dream of become a stylish – An Aveda stylist at that 🙂 – so when choosing school, just remind yourself to be strong and become who you want to be not what someone else wants you to be. – And just have fun!!!

Blog post by Aveda Institute Tallahassee student: Gracy Jacobs