Breast Cancer Awareness Month at AVEDA Institutes Florida


The thing I like about Aveda is the fact that they give back to the community. One example of that being, in the month of October Aveda does several things to raise money for breast cancer. The first being they allow students to wear pink to show their support for a small donation of five dollars. The Second being the Aveda fashion show, which will showcase Iconic women throughout history. With this unique Idea Aveda has managed to merge two great things into one, fashion and charity. The last being for the day of Halloween Aveda is allowing students to dress up for a fee of ten dollars which that money will go towards breast cancer research.

Blog post by Aveda Institute South Florida student: Scott Tanner

At Aveda we take special care of every single guest and help them feel and look their best. We support may important causes like the Breast Cancer Research Foundation. Every single cent of the proceeds from Aveda’s Iconic Women Fashion Show goes straight to the Breast Cancer Foundation.

Every pink ribbon Hand Relief purchase is a 4 dollar donation to the foundation as well. The Aveda students are allowed to wear pink shoes, shirts and accessories when they donate 5 dollars to the Breast Cancer Foundation. The Institute encourages all the students to attend the Fashion Show which is on October 28th, I for one can’t wait to see it and be a part of supporting the fight against Breast Cancer and show some pink spirit!

Blog post by Aveda Institute South Florida student: Beverly Thompson

This is breast cancer awareness month at Aveda and we are all excited. We are offered a chance to come out of our usual black attire in exchange for a pink shirt in recognition of breast cancer awareness month. We are also encouraged to be creative by wearing accessories such as belts, scarfs and hair clips. In exchange for wearing the pink shirts, we must make a contribution of only five dollars and Aveda will donate all of the monies to the Breast Cancer Foundation. I think that it is awesome that Aveda donates to such worthy charities such as the Breast Cancer Foundation. Giving back to society in order to make the world a better place is a part of Aveda’s mission.

Blog post by Aveda Institute South Florida student: Angela Anderson