Hands On Experience AVEDA Institute Tallahassee

Cosmetology Beauty School AVEDA Institute Tallahassee Florida Fl FLA
AVEDA Institute Tallahassee

Blog by: Sarah Mathena

About the 7th week of intro I got invited to do a fashion show at Tallahassee Community College. I was shocked! Me and 6 other girls went. When we showed up it was a very small fashion show and we were only allowed to do a “professional look”. I was hoping it would be a version of New York fashion week. No, not at all. We were only there for about an hour and a half and then returned to school. I had fun but wished it had been more challenging for me. I thought to myself it was an experience. A couple of weeks later I got invited to do make-up at Florida State University for their Levi jeans event. I thought to myself ok, another miniature event…. sure, I will do it. I was so wrong on so many levels! We had to be at FSU campusat 8am. Me thinking it was once again a small event and wouldn’t be longI I wore heels! Not very smart on my part. We showed up at 8am got fitted for our customized jeans. (PERK) We all set up our stations to prepare. Not paying much attention to my surroundings as I was setting up my station, a huge line was forming, a line of what looked like over 100 girls. I knew then I had underestimated how huge the event was going to be. There were only 3 make-up artist and 3 hair stylists that day and we did 500 girls!! How did we do that many girls you may ask? We had 5 minutes to do each girl. No pressure right??? We had 2 different looks. We had a classic look or a glamor look. By 6pm my feet were killing me and I wanted to pass out! I had a blast that day and will always remember it! Yes, my feet were killing me, I was starving, sweating a little, and had to go to the bathroom badly but ultimately I was DOING WHAT I LOVE!!! This day made me feel very proud that I was a student at AVEDA! This day made me proud to be a cosmetologist. Not many women could have pulled this off in heels!!!!