Why It’s Important for AVEDA to be Environmentally Aware

Blog post by Cosmetology student / Beauty School student: Antonella Ludwig

AVEDA Wind Power“Our mission at AVEDA is to care for the world…”. So begins the Aveda mission statement.

The core of the Aveda way of life is to set positive examples of taking care of our environment. The mission statement goes on to specify that this environmental awareness be “not just in the world of beauty, but around the world”.

Companies such as Aveda put such a strong emphasis on environmental wellness that to not fully embody the mission would be hypocritical and just bad business. By practicing what we preach, Aveda can be the leader for all natural products and health conscious services.

Other ways Aveda is environmentally aware is through its earth day fundraisers along with other philanthropies. To answer the question as to why i think its important for Aveda to be environmentally aware i have to take it further and say its absolutely vital that Aveda be earth friendly! While the earth doesn’t solely depend on Aveda, the company does contribute millions of dollars to earth conscious causes and charities.

Aveda customer loyalty, reputation and its mission are just a few reasons why I think it’s important for AVEDA to be environmentally aware.

Additional post by Cosmetology / Beauty School Jacksonville student: Brittney Quick

I think that it is very important for companies to be environmentally friendly because it is not just one salon or store, they are global corporations, and that is a lot of recyclable things that end up in a land fill.

AVEDA recycle plastic capsIt is still a good thing to recycle if you are just a small franchise or just a family, or a single individual. Just because you are one person does not mean you do not have a lot of waste. I drink at least five bottles of water a day, which makes thirty-five a week, one hundred and forty bottles a month, and ONE THOUSAND, SIX HUNDRED AND EIGHTY bottles a year! Think if a small business served just a hundred bottles a day.

If you see a bigger corporation doing what is right by recycling or taking a stand against waste it is going to inspire other people to do the right thing. The more larger corporations recycle the more it will lead to smaller companies doing it and so on. So trend it! Start recycling!

Do not stop at recycling though! Use recycled products when buying something. Investigate the company to make sure they are as environmentally friendly as you are. Think about the car you drive. Spend a day calculating all the waste you produce and how long you have been alive. That is a lot of recycled products that ended up in a landfill.

If corporations do not start the trend of being environmentally friendly we are all going to be living in trash and have to move to the moon!