It’s Earth Month, What Can We Do to Save the Planet?

Blog post by beauty school Fla / cosmetology Fla student: Melody Blackthorne

All this month Aveda is celebrating Earth Month with student fundraisers, a fashion show, and other programs to raise awareness about what we can do to take care of our Mother Earth.

I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone of the little things we can do year round to make our planet a cleaner and better place.

Start by picking up trash when you see it. If every person walking down the street picked up one piece of trash can you imagine how much cleaner our world would be?

Another thing we can do as individuals is be mindful of what we are using and what we are re-using.

For example, if you utilize plastic grocery bags and have a dog try saving those grocery bags to clean up after your dog on walks. Not only will you cut down on plastic waste (by not purchasing cleanup bags) you will be a resposible dog owner by cleaning up after your pooch!

If we all start thinking outside the box and looking for ways to conserve and recycle we can work together to make our planet a cleaner and more beautiful place.

Blog post by beauty school Fla / cosmetology Fla student: Jessica Alford

What are some Earth Month tips that you suggest people try in order to be more enviromentally friendly?

It’s that time again! Earth month is here and we’re all doing our part- beach clean-ups, making sure we’re recycling all of our cans…

Here at the Aveda Institute of Jacksonville, I’m surrounded by green thinking. It made me wonder- what else can I do?

To really make an impact, and save our beautiful blue and green planet, there are a few things you could do.

For starters, recycle! It’s so minor, once you start, it will seem like nothing. Just toss your cans in one bag, and plastics in another. That way, every time you finish a soda, you’re doing your part to save the world.

Another easy thing you can do that is great for the planet and your body is to walk. Ditch the car and smell the fresh air. You save money and fossil fuels! By not running your vehicle, you’re reducing the amount of pollution in our air, leaving a cleaner planet for future generations to enjoy.

Last but certainly not least, to help out, you could use enviromentally responsible products. So many hairsprays contain CFCs, which deplete our ozone layer. Make the switch!

Remember these tips, and put them to use. Then, you can tell everyone you’re saving the world.