Refresh Your Looks for Spring: Makeover Edition


Spring time is here and the flowers are blooming. This is the time of year that people tend to yearn for change in their appearance. From a lighter shade of lipstick to more vibrant colors on the eyes, change is as easy as a trip to Aveda where anything you dream up for your look can come to life.

One recent guest of mine, a dolphin cheerleader hopeful, needed a new makeup look to boost her confidence for the upcoming cheerleader auditions. She was already a beautiful girl, but I used Aveda makeup to make sure her natural beauty was accentuated.

To begin, I used Aveda brow pencil to fill in any sparse areas in her brow and defined the shape. I cleaned it up with concealer and proceeded to add petal essence eyeshadow in a deep burgundy to bring out her hazel eyes. I created a soft smokey effect around her eyes with this color. To make her lashes pop, I put 3 coats of mosscara to the top and bottom lashes. I cleaned up any mess under her eyes and proceeded with the face. I toned and moisturized her face before applying mineral dual foundation. I applied it slightly wet for more coverage,to her entire face. I added inner light concealer under her eyes as a highlight and to various parts of her face that needed more of a coverup. Finished it off with Uruku bronzer around her face to warm it up and create a mild contour. For blush I applied petal essence face accents to give a little pop of color to her cheeks. Lastly, I lined her lips with a lip definer and topped it off with a gloss.

With her soft finished look, she is ready to take on her audition, and even a hot date if need be!

Blog post by Aveda Institute South Florida Cosmetology Student: Caroline Monge