What Makes You Passionate About Hairstyling?

As an artist, hair is my medium and life is my canvas. It is what I love to do. The love for creating beautiful hair is my passion. This is more then something to gaze at and move on, but a piece of art to influence lives everyday. I can change a plain haircut into a moving and flowing work of art. The tools that we learn can be changed and combined with countless combinations to make beautiful hair. To see someone look at themselves and smile gives me the most satisfaction imaginable.

Not only do I get to create beautiful hair, but with every guest, I can change their lives. I get to spend 30 minutes to an hour just getting to know new people and their lives everyday and I am honored that they let me accentuate their beauty. Hair is by far the most rewarding industry to get into.

You can not put a price on the joy people get when you help them feel the beauty within. Without passion, there is no purpose, no life in the art created. Knowing that the possibilities are absolutely endless because there is always room for another trend and style and new techniques to be learned everyday is unbelievably exciting as well.