Aveda Institute IS life changing…

Being in my mid 30s I never felt like I knew what I wanted to do with my life. Then I made the decision to go to Aveda, and by far the smartest & best decision I have ever made. Being surrounded by sickness & death in a doctors’ office for almost 5 years was enough to take a toll on anyone, but on New Year’s Eve it hit me that I just want to make people feel beautiful.

I wanted to be around positivity instead of negativity. Working that dead end job I knew I wouldn’t be successful, there would be no room for advancement, & I would basically remain living measly paycheck to measly paycheck. At Aveda, I’m learning that this career path I have chosen (or perhaps, it chose me?!) is one that I have the capability of becoming incredibly successful. Hmmmm, something I enjoy doing AND be able to make great money? That my friends, is a no-brainer. I actually feel confident in my future. Never in my life would I have seen myself ENJOYING school. That I do, I enjoy school. I love going to school, but more importantly I know I’m going to love getting up each day & doing a career I love.
Blog Post by: April Pardocchi