Beauty Trend: Braids Braids Braids

Hair Braids Hair Trend Yes… Braids are in. They aren’t just for your everyday ruffian. They are gracing the pages of magazines and strutting their stuff on catwalks.

Once worn for convenience, braids, are now worn to make a fashion statement. Where there were once just plats or regular scalp braids there are now French braids ( OLD) and fishtail braids (new) on the scene. All over Instagram and blog sights trendsetters are expressing their creativity by making these same braids into patterns such as crowns and flowers.

Crown Braids So my advice to you is to start practicing waterfall braids. These complicated braids are on the rise and I predict they too will be on the catwalk.

The picture below is my first attempt at a fishtail braid.

fishtailJacksonville Cosmetology student: Ashley Ball