Your Back-To-School Essentials for Cosmetology School

It’s that time of year again. We are transitioning from summer to fall and school is right around the corner! Choosing to attend beauty school can be so exciting but not knowing what to expect is never fun. Don’t worry! We have the perfect back-to-beauty-school checklist for you. We have some fun ideas on what to wear and what to bring so you’ll feel prepared to kill it on your first day!

All Black Outfit

Be Aveda black outfit

When it comes to shopping for cosmetology school, you can’t go wrong with a fun all-black outfit! Stylists are known for wearing all black and the reason behind it is simple – black is classy, professional, and always in style. There’s also a practical reason as well. Black can hide spills or stains that may happen when working with product. Black might seem basic, but you can definitely add your own style and show your personality with accessories, hairstyles, and makeup. Remember that you will be standing and moving a lot, so finding a balance between your style and comfort is key. You’ll love the outfit that helps you look good and feel good all day!

Planner and Pen

Your future beauty professional self will thank you for preparing, setting goals, and organizing your time wisely! One way to stay on top of everything and eliminate some unnecessary stress is to have all your beauty school information and notes in one place – a cute planner and pen would be perfect for the task!

Be Aveda Notebook

Once you get a planner, start by writing down any goals you have while in beauty school. Writing your goals down will give you a constant reminder of why you started this journey and added motivation to achieve them. Always look through your planner to make sure you are being productive and making progress towards your goals. While in school, write everything down! This can include any tips and tricks you hear or any techniques you observe. Cosmetology school can move very quickly, but you can gain a lot of knowledge by listening, observing, and then writing it down. Plus, when you finish school, your planner will become a journal of your experience and a special time in your beauty career.

Water Bottle

Aveda Hand Lotion

As a cosmetology student, you will be on your feet a lot! A cute water bottle is a must-have to keep yourself awake and hydrated throughout the day. Beauty school can get pretty busy, but if you take care of yourself and stay hydrated your mood, health, and productivity will all benefit. You’ll have more energy and positivity, you’ll stay attentive, and you’ll be your best self so that you can create relationships and soak in all that beauty information! Check out this article to find out why it’s so important to drink more water at work.

Hand Lotion

When you’re washing hair and using a lot of chemicals all day, your hands definitely take a hit. Put a little hand lotion in your drawer, bag or purse to add some moisture back into your skin. Not only will your hands thank you but your peers and potential clients will appreciate it too!


Be Aveda Cute Backpack

No school supply list is complete without a cute bag to put all your new supplies in! Whether it’s a purse or a backpack, consider choosing one that will fit all of your new supplies. Like we mentioned before, being organized is important while you’re in school. Keep your bag somewhat clean and tidy so that you know exactly where things are. This will definitely help get rid of extra stress while you’re in school!

Start Your Journey

With these essentials, you can walk into beauty school feeling confident and ready to soak in as much beauty knowledge as possible! If you haven’t signed up for beauty school yet, we can help get you all set for back to school. We would love to hear about your career goals and help you make a plan to reach them. Contact us to get started, or learn more about our cosmetology program here!