Are You Ready for a New Career?

Are you feeling restless, dissatisfied, and/or frustrated with your current career? Are you having a bad week, or is it time for something new? Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference, but honoring your commitment to yourself and your future should always be your number one priority.

If your intuition is telling you it might be more than just a “bad day”, it’s time to consider if you’re ready for a change. Taking the leap into a new career path can be ominous – but also incredibly rejuvenating. A new career can launch you into a lifetime of growth and new opportunities. Lookout for these signs that it’s time to jump start your future:

You’re bored and/or burned out. 

Do you watch the clock every day on the job? Have you lost all sense of excitement while working? These are signs that you might be bored, or burned out, in your current position.

Start by writing down the words and feelings that come to mind when you think of your current position. Next, write down what your ideal day job looks like. More flexibility? Growth opportunity? A creative outlet? Compare your lists and consider what’s missing from your current position, and what you would need to feel inspired and motivated in a new role.

If you’re looking for an exciting career, with flexibility, creativity, and bounds of opportunity, a career in the beauty industry might be just the ticket.

You lack a sense of fulfillment and purpose. 

Feeling fulfilled in our careers is so important. When you contribute to something larger than yourself, you can be happier, more engaged, and more productive. It important to identify what purposes and callings speak to you, and decide if your current role helps you achieve those things. Are you passionate about animal rights? Making people happy? Giving back to those in need?

Once you identify the core values that speak to you most, you’ll be able to discern whether a new role would better fulfill your needs and passions.

You’re not learning anything new.

Learning new skills helps us thrive in our work, and discover new avenues for development. If you’re feeling trapped in the daily grind, and further growth seems unachievable, it might be time for a fresh start. No one likes to feel like they’re living the same routine, week after week, without opportunity for career development.

If you’re craving a new skill set, an education in esthetics or cosmetology could offer just that. A career in the beauty industry offers endless growth opportunity – you can be your own boss, build your client list, and take continuing education courses. If you”re someone who loves to learn, you’ll never stop in the beauty industry!

You dread going to work, or have work-related anxiety. 

Everyone get’s the Sunday blues every now and again, but it’s important to confront feelings of dread related to the workplace. If you’re constantly feeling an ominous drag leading up to your new work day, try writing down what’s causing these feelings. Does it stem from a haunting feeling of not pursuing your passion? Does it boil down to general dissatisfaction? Are you in a hostile environment?

A career in cosmetology or esthetics can offer you a sense of more control – over your hours, your pay, and your advancement. When you feel like you are the one in the drivers seat of your future, these anxious feelings can often disappear. If you’re ready for that next step, it’s time to start talking about your options!

You’re constantly looking for something new

If your ears perk up every time someone discusses an open position, or you find yourself browsing the web for any new opportunity, it time to take the plunge. If your gut is telling you you’re wasting your potential, or you’re motivated by the thoughts of something new, you’ve hit the end of the road on your current path.

If these signs feel familiar, it’s time to stop day-dreaming about making a change. Let’s do it! Call us today, and we can talk about your goals, passions, and motivations. Find a career path in the beauty industry that you can love. We’re ready to help! Call 877-282-8332