Why You Should Start Beauty School This Fall

woman applying makeup on someone

It’s hard to believe, but summer is coming to an end! Although we love the longer days during Florida’s summer, we’re also excited to see what opportunities are waiting in the fall. With this season comes a new school year and the perfect time to start something you’re passionate about. Maybe you’ve always wanted a future in the beauty industry, but you weren’t sure when you should pursue your goal. Well, stop wondering because we’re here to tell you that fall is the perfect time to make your beauty dreams a reality! Here’s why fall is the best time to apply for beauty school.

Get in the Learning Spirit

Many people will be going back to school in the next couple of months. After spending the summer having fun and hanging out with friends, people are ready for a new chapter. Growing up, the start of a new school year always brought the excitement of meeting new people and learning new things. Why not continue this back-to-school mood with your own educational goals? The fall season is a great time to get excited and join everyone else who is preparing to jump into their studies.

Plus, you’ll get to prepare for school in all the fun ways you did in the past, like back-to-school shopping. We all need a great outfit for the first day of school! Before fall is upon us, take the time to research programs you’re interested in and learn more about the school’s culture. This will help you ease into that back-to-school mindset!

Start This New Adventure With Friends

Maybe your friends are talking about starting school this fall. It’s easy to feel left out if they’re choosing different paths, like a four-year university. The last thing you want to do is apply for a school simply because your friends are going. You’re a unique individual who deserves a chance to craft the future you really want. While your friends are in class, you’ll be learning how to create stunningly colored hair and the latest trends in makeup. When you get together to catch up with friends, you can compare notes on your day. Just be careful not to make them too jealous about how you’re spending your classroom time doing what you love!

group of friends sitting and laughing together

We have multiple beauty school locations in Florida. Depending on where your friends attend school, you might even live close enough to room together. Now you can study what you really want with your friends by your side!

Start Preparing for Your Future Career

Fall’s fresh start energy will give you the confidence boost you need to prepare for a future career in the growing beauty industry. Not only is fall an amazing time to discover your passions, but it’s also the perfect time to begin preparing for a future beauty career. Our cosmetology program is flexible with two schedule options that allow you to complete the program in as little as 10.5 to 12 months. Start practicing what you love sooner! Why wait any longer?

Enjoy the Florida Summer

We know that summer isn’t over yet and you may not be ready to give up days at the pool. Maybe you’ve just graduated high school and you want one last season of relaxation before focusing on your goals. That’s totally fine! In fact, this can even help give you the rest you need so you’re charged and ready to give beauty school everything you’ve got when the fall class starts.

It can be hard to enjoy summer break if you don’t have a plan for what comes next. That’s why you should take a little time now to explore when cosmetology, esthiology, or barbering classes start in the fall and what it takes to enroll. Yes, you’re having fun but you also know how you’re going to make your career goals a reality! Take a look at our programs and get a head start on those goals.

Apply for Fall Beauty School at Be Aveda

Are you ready to start your beauty education this fall? We’re ready to help you express your creativity and passion with an Aveda education! Find out more about our cosmetology, esthiology, and barbering programs to learn how you can start the application process. We’re looking forward to seeing you this fall!